The UC-CSU Environmental and Climate Change Literacy Projects
Advancing PK-12 climate and environmental literacy, justice and action through an innovative partnership between the UC-CSU systems
ECCLPs is lifted up by many hands across our state and nation.
A rising tide lifts all boats and we are grateful for the tremendous support of our partners, collaborators, and fearless leaders. As we create the infrastructure needed to connect across all major spheres of influence for PK-12 climate education and action, we value most the critical relationships needed to advance these collective efforts. We invite you to connect with ECCLPs today to continue creating critical waves of change. Let’s continue to lift as we rise together.
ACHIEVING CLIMATE STABILITY AND ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY: PK–12 Education as Part of the Solution for Bending the Curve
This report was written by faculty and administrative leaders of education from the UC and CSU systems in partnership with key stakeholders to support the urgent need to advance PK-12 environmental and climate change literacy in 2019. The Environmental and Climate Change Literacy Projects (ECCLPs) Executive Committee continues to draw on recommendations in this report to implement and scale climate and environmental justice.
Collaborative Efforts in the Creation of ECCLPs
In October 2018, the UC and CSU systems partnered with key stakeholders with the goal for all of California’s high school students to be literate in environmental and climate change issues and solutions.
ECCLPs was created by the collective efforts of Ram Ramanathan (Scripps UCSD), Marcelo Suárez-Orozco (formerly UCLA), Richard Arum (UCI), Fred Uy (CSU Chancellor's Office), Marquita Grenot-Scheyer (CSU Chancellor's Office), Claudia Martinez (UCOP), Matt St.Clair (UCOP), and in partnership with Karen Cowe (Ten Strands).
The UC and CSU systems came together based on their significant roles in providing teaching credentials to nearly half of all PK-12 educators in California across various subject matters. This strategic partnership engages 33 higher education public universities in California along with key community-based partners to a broad spectrum of PK-12 teachers and students to advance much needed climate action to bend the curve.
Relaunching ECCLPs!
Thank you partners!
On September 15, 2022, the (re)launch of ECCLPs was announced at a UC Irvine event that brought together key stakeholders to engage, support and continue to advance new UC-CSU climate and environmental justice literacy initiatives.
Join our call to action!
We’re ready to connect across the silos and we need your help. Take a look at the various initiatives that are taking place now and tell us how you’ll rise to our collective call to action today! Take action with us to hear about formal partnership opportunities as we begin to move forward together.
Together we can support all of California’s high school graduates to be literate in climate change and environmental justice issues and solutions.
Connect with us.
Sign up for the ECCLPs mailing list to receive the monthly newsletter to get involved, further connect, and for many other special announcements!