Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Commitment

Where we stand.

At ECCLPs, we strongly believe that justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) efforts will be achieved through meaningful and tangible outcomes through both systems and local community organizations at the forefront of the issues.

ECCLPs’ Core Beliefs

We center the following core beliefs and values in our work:

With these values at the forefront, ECCLPs exists to advance climate and environmental justice literacy with and for PK-12 schools to catalyze climate action and solutions needed to fight climate change.

We aim to catalyze climate solutions through education and collaboration.

Working with pre- and inservice PK-12 teachers, our primary goal is to envision and broadly implement  inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to climate literacy that focus on culturally relevant solutions, activate community-driven action, honor indigenous ways of knowing and being, and support those most impacted by the climate crisis. We center historically marginalized communities and peoples as they contribute the least to carbon emissions fueling the crisis, but are unjustly suffering more from the impacts and environmental injustices further exacerbated by the climate emergency. 

Developing the measures needed to track the impact of our work will take time. We will be transparent with our partners and supporters throughout that process. In order to improve our efforts to effectively and efficiently meet the needs of PK-12 students and teachers, we will connect our educational initiatives with leading organizations and institutions to amplify current efforts around climate literacy and share our learnings, research, and resources broadly to become a trusted local, statewide, and global partner.

To hold ourselves accountable in transparent ways, we will continue to rely on data, hold listening sessions with our partners, and iterate on our JEDI goals. Leveraging the power of partnerships between the UC and CSU university systems along with our local community leaders, we are committed to holding justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion at the core of our decision-making and programming as we help bend the curve to hope and action on the climate emergency.

This statement was crafted in collaboration with our DEI consultant, Lily Zheng

We especially thank our ECCLPs leaders for shaping this JEDI statement to ground our efforts.

(Released December 2023)