Thank you to those who were able to join via Zoom on November 4 to learn from Kelley Lê, Executive Director, ECCLPs about ECCLPs climate and environmental justice literacy initiatives and recruitment opportunities and to connect with others at UC Santa Cruz who are interested in advancing PK–12 climate literacy, justice, and action through the UC and CSU schools of education!
The following information will be emailed to those who registered for or attended the meeting shortly after.
Meeting Resources:
Meeting Background:
Campus meeting for UC Santa Cruz faculty and staff only online via Zoom.
ECCLPs Executive Director Kelley Lê invites each UC and CSU campus to host a meet and greet to convene faculty and staff in related fields that may be interested in contributing to the future ECCLPs initiatives, learn more about ECCLPs, and consider formal partnership opportunities.
Campus staff involved in PK–12 pre- and in-service teacher education (e.g. Education Studies Department, California Subject Matter Project, CalTeach, ITEP, etc.).
Climate and environmental researchers and research staff from each department.
Campus development teams to strategize fundraising for campus hubs.
Environmental justice, equity, and indigenous knowledge specialists.
Those who are excited and have capacity to participate in the initiatives that may have other backgrounds and expertise.